1. Three pages single spaced text.
2. An #EXTRA# page with citations.
3. Subject: "How Vector Calculus is Used in My Major."
4. At least four inline citations, not wikipedia, not random website you found on the web. Textbooks and professional periodicals are OK.
5. NO PLAGIARISM, aka no copy-paste from random online publications. (BTW, did you know that just 7 words in sequence provide unique identifiability for more than 90% of publications?)
6. Make a reasonable effort. If you're sloppy I'll cut down your credit.
7. Worth 10 points.
8. Due November 29: 1 electronic copy in PDF format to my email, one printed copy to my mailbox in the math department (i.e. dropped off at the main math window in Wexler 216 before it closes.)