Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Problem 10.1#2 and #3 [[and how (not) to ask a question]]

This problem stated that I've gotten the right answer wrong due to spacing.

I've entered in a correct answer to the problem, but the system changed my answer to an un-simplify version of the answer.


Problem 2:  No. It's not the right answer, and that's not what the problem stated. If you clicked the "Check Answers" button, here is what it said:

It's complaining that your answer *isn't* a number. In fact you *did* give it a list of numbers. The problem as stated is asking for a *distance*, and a distance is a number not a list of numbers. Your answer is the wrong kind of *thing* to be the right answer.

Problem 3: No again, but at least your answer is the right kind of thing this time. You don't understand what the problem is asking, and as a result you're complicating what should be an super easy thing to do.

1) You haven't even asked me a question. I'm not exactly sure what you mean to say, but it sounds like you are complaining about the unfairness of the software, which is a fruitless endeavor because the software doesn't care.
2) You haven't demonstrated to me that you did your own diligence. The textbook covers this material in some detail. I can kind-of guess what you were thinking from the kind of wrong answers you gave, but you'll learn better if you yourself state what you are thinking. You should tell me what page(s) of that material you tried to apply, or what techniques you used and why you thought you should use them.  Also, I need to know that you bothered to do your part before I can effectively teach you,  and you'll learn more effectively when I can show you what specific tool you misapplied or misunderstood.

Want to try again?